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Terms and Conditions

T&Cs in place as of Sunday 23rd February 2025


The following policies are in place to protect the students, parents and staff of Natalie Jane Dance School. These policies should be adhered to, to ensure that you and your child can continue to enjoy learning at Natalie Jane Dance School. Should you have any queries about the below, please get in touch.


Terms and conditions are subject to change. In the event of this, all parents will be notified by email.

Code of Conduct


The schools' ethos is to ensure that enjoyment can be had by all students of the school, and we ask that all students engage in the following;

  • Respect teachers and assistants in and out of class, being polite and well-mannered, listening and trying hard at all times.

  • Respect and support their peers, encouraging them and not mocking them. No form of bullying will be tolerated.

  • Turning off or muting phones/tablets. These are permitted to be bought into class as long as they are on silent and kept in bags.

  • Wearing correct uniform and ensuring that hair is tied up and presentable. If your teacher deems you not to be presentable, we will be re-doing your hair, or asking you to fix it! Dance is an art form, and this should be implemented into your presentation.

  • To bring a bottle of water to class. No food should be eaten in the teaching rooms, unless required for medical needs. No nuts should be eaten as a snack.

  • Should a child be misbehaving, disruptive or disrespectful, your child will be addressed in class, and perhaps be asked to sit out for a period of time. The parent/guardian will be notified of events.

  • Should the behaviour continue, we will ask for parent/guardian support to encourage better behaviour.

  • If this is not achieved, then your child may be refused tuition until the situation has been rectified.


Enrolling and Payments


  • All children are permitted to one free trial per subject, whether you are a new student or existing. After your free trial, you have the choice to sign up to the class or not.

  • On signing up to the class, invoices will be emailed to on receipt of your registration form.

  • All invoices have a due date, and payments are expected on or before this date.

  • If your child takes part in more than one class, or if you have siblings attend classes, you are able to pay your invoice in two instalments. Please half the amount owed, and the second instalment is due on or before the class following the half term.

  • If payments are not received, the following will be applied;

    • 1st invoice not received - reminder sent with a £10 late payment fee, and 10 working days to pay.​

    • 2nd invoice not received - reminder sent with an additional £10 late payment fee, and 10 working days to pay.

    • 3rd invoice not received - your child may be refused tuition, and legal action will be taken.

  • If you wish to discuss bespoke payment plans, then please get in contact.

  • Invoices cover the class fees. Any additional uniform, shows, events or exams will be invoiced separately.

  • For discounts available and class fees, please visit the Fees page.

  • Only one form of discount is applicable to each invoice.

  • If you wish to leave a subject, half a terms notice must be given in writing.

  • Class fees are subject to change.

  • Fees are non-refundable.

  • If you wish to leave a class, half a terms notice must be given in writing. No refunds will be given if notice is given part way through a term. Notice to withdraw from a future term must be given prior to the current term finishing as below; ​​


In exceptional circumstances, (ie. extreme weather, Public Health England guidance, hall maintenance/closure), classes will be carried over to the following term where possible.


Covid-19 Conditions


With the ongoing crisis (2020-2021) of Covid-19, the school may be forced to close to follow government guidance. In the event of this, all classes will be held on Zoom (or alternative). Class fees will be non-refundable.




If you have a change of address, contact details or medical conditions, it is your responsibility to inform the school. You have the right to access, amend and remove your records at any time. Should you wish to do this, please email me.


Details of students and parents will be kept confidential, and only used to contact regarding the school or related events.


Valuables are bought to classes and/or events at your own risk. Natalie Jane Dance School will not accept responsibility for any lost or damaged valuable items. If items are bought to class, they can be handed to the teacher for safekeeping for the duration of your class.


Dance is a physical activity, and corrections will need to be made by the teacher and/or assistants. These will be made in a professional manner. For the schools Child Protection Policy, please click here.


Social Media​


Social Media plays a big part in advertising for Natalie Jane Dance School, as well as showcasing to other students and parents what classes are learning. If you have opted in to, your child may be included in pictures and posts when demonstrating in their dance class.


Natalie Jane Dance School strictly adheres to the following, and should you disagree with a social media post, please get in touch.

  • Posts and pictures will be relevant to dance and the school

  • No posts or pictures will be inappropriate, irrelevant or invite negative comments.

  • Posts and pictures will not identify children by name


Privacy - GDPR​

To view our Privacy Policy, please click here.



To view our procedures in place for Covid-19, please click here.

dance school

Natalie Jane Dance School

07855 296242

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